Reclaim your Health Story with Herbs and Microdosing
/w Andrea Shuman, Ayurvedic Specialist, Master Herbalist and Entrepreneur

In this riveting conversation with Andrea Shuman we speak about microdosing as a practice in the context of the quest for healing. How can we use natural medicine to restore balance and reclaim what was lost or oppressed in ourselves, and then in society?


Andrea Shuman has been in the field of alternative health and healing since 1997 as a bodyworker, Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist, Master herbalist, and founder of Mycrodrops.

Andrea has been working with psychedelics personally since 1995, and professionally since 2018. She has a specialty in women’s health and a love of Paradox and nuance as well as a deep desire to help the world become more comfortable holding multiple truths at once. Andrea has had her own journey into the watery shadows of motherhood and depression and has made it back to the shore and is on a mission to help others reclaim their joy and sense of self-worth.

Andrea created Mycrodrops as the first of many offerings to make microdosing more effective and use a variety of mushrooms and herbal extracts, to empower people, especially women, and femmes (femz) to take back their mental health-story and narrative.

In this episode:
🌿How Andrea’s interest in holistic health got kickstarted
🌿What does ayurveda do well (compared to western medicine)?
🌿Dosing versus microdosing from an herbalist’s perspective
🌿Why herbs are meant to work in symphony
🌿More effective microdosing through a symphony of herbs
🌿The energy of a substance: LSD vs (psilocybin) mushrooms
🌿The epidemic of medication overprescription
🌿Differences in how women and men are diagnosed and treated by doctors
🌿Antidepressants and ADHD medication
🌿How we grow up determines our mental health journey
🌿The need for personalized natural medicine
🌿How can personalized natural medicine favor marginalized communities

Mycrodrops is on a mission to help people make their microdosing practice more impactful and steady through putting together a symphony, or friends group, for your microdoses. “If microdosing is your lifeboat, Mycrodrops are the oars and rudder”.

Try Mycrodrops Elixir’s with at $10 off at with coupon code MDI10 or follow this link:

With your purchase, you support an LGBTQ owned and founded business, who with their services and products, aim to empower people, and support them as they reclaim their health and their joy.


Mycrodrops website:
Mycrodrops Instagram:
Pranika Mental Health App:
Clubhouse Conversation: Psychedelics 101- The Overprescribing Epidemic with Andrea:


Microdosing Institute offers education on how to microdose with psychedelics safely, consciously and effectively. We create community and foster healthy conversations in the microdosing space so that we can continue to learn more and expand the body of knowledge on best practices and harm reduction. Additionally, we encourage and promote research by partnering with universities and other organizations across the globe so that the full potential of microdosing may be realized and made accessible to those who can benefit from the practice.


Microdosing 101:
How To Microdose Video Course:
6-Week Guided Microdosing Intensive:
Train To Become A Microdosing Coach:


INSTAGRAM: @microdosinginstitute



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