Acid Reflux and Diabetes: Dr. Jimmy Chang’s Herbal Master Sheet | Acupuncture Live CEUs/PDAs

Class Preview:
Learn to master differential diagnosis and herbal prescription with ease from expert herbalist and seasoned practitioner, Dr. Jimmy Chang. In this course, participants will be guided through various differential diagnoses for acid reflux and diabetes that is commonly seen in clinical practice, with the addition of clinically successful herbal formulations for each condition. Each herbal composition is specifically formulated to address the root cause of the condition, allowing patients to recover more rapidly. Master Dr. Chang’s pulse, tongue, and ear diagnostics and become familiar with the clinically efficient herbal formulas he now employs in his clinic in order to enhance your results. You have already studied the fundamentals of pulse, tongue, and ear diagnostics in your studies, and now is the time to refine them. His unique herbal formulas are simple to implement and provide immediate and long-lasting benefits. After completing this course, you should be able to identify pulse indications associated with specific diseases and to prescribe a personalized herbal formula based on your patient’s diagnosis.

Upon completion of this course, practitioners will:

Familiarize yourself with Dr. Jimmy Chang’s method for differential diagnosis
Learn herbal formulas for acid reflux and diabetes
Discover how to prescribe unique herbal formulations for your patients

Purchase the course for CEUs here:
For more classes by: Jimmy Wei-Yen Chang MPH, PhD, OMD, LAc visit

Obtain your acupuncture CEUs easily with live webinars and distance learning courses. eLotus brings continuing education into the future with convenient online classes on acupuncture, herbal medicine, and more.

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